La passione per gli aerei, ereditata dal padre pilota, trova un felice sbocco quando per l’Aeritalia prima e l’Alenia dopo, a bordo di mezzi militari, realizza immagini scattate “al volo“ del G-91Y, G-222, F-104 Starfighter, Tornado, AMX e C-27J Spartan.

Questa esperienza lo porta nei cieli d’Italia, Tunisia, Egitto, Germania, Inghilterra, Somalia, Stati Uniti e Canada.


The passion for airplanes, inherited from his father, who was a pilot, finds a happy outlet when for Aeritalia first and Alenia later, on board military vehicles, he creates images taken "on the fly" of the G-91Y, G-222, F -104 Starfighters, Tornadoes, AMXs and C-27J Spartans.

This experience takes him to the skies of Italy, Tunisia, Egypt, Germany, England, Somalia, the United States and Canada.